2021. 7. 13. 02:47ㆍ카테고리 없음

Scratch Off Apps That Actually Pays

Whats going on guys this is mike here with lunch break lunch this article is all about the highest-paying apps that pay cash so all the apps when were showing you guys theyre free and they do pay out cash via PayPal things like that so these are the best apps that I found that will pay you guys with cash you dont have to start you know it cost nothing to start with any of those theyre all free you just download them onto your smartphone Apple Android doesnt matter theyre available for all of them so lets jump in here and if you guys just let you guys know these are not gonna make you rich these apps if you guys are looking for ways to make money online these things Im showing you are not it youre gonna make like 20 30 50 maybe even a hundred bucks youre not gonna make thousands you cant replace your you know your income your full-time income job with these apps they just dont exist out there if you guys are interested and actually making money online especially high ticket affiliate marketing you can click on the link below its in the description theres a course you can take its not free its seven bucks so its not like hundreds of dollars for a course its seven dollars or a dollar a day for a week if you can afford that definitely check it out its worth every dime other places would probably sell that same course four thousand bucks because its its really good information so check that out its in the link below the description lets jump in here so you guys to start working with these apps the first one is called reward well now you do have to do a few things at home you can watch articles complete surveys and you can take daily sweepstakes now there is some in-store stuff that you can do you can give product feedback you can actually visit retail stores and answer trivia and a half paid out a little over five million dollars so far has been earned with rewardable.com and make its literally that simple youre just going to download the app you are going to complete the the tasks that are available in there youre gonna cash it out through PayPal so you will have to you know have a PayPal or PayPal debit card I have a paypal debit card that I can take my money out with you can get one of those for free from PayPal but this one is a very simple its got over 10, 000 five-star reviews on the App Store so a lot of people join it it is a legitimate way to make money but all these hundreds of dollars you see throwing up like that youre not gonna make that so dont expect that to be like thats gonna be a few dollars guys thats it okay so go check out reward Abul and your spare time is free to join get the app next up is something called cricket this is actually like a game okay its a game where you go you download the app and then you get your chance to spin and then if you win your money its like a sharing your winnings moment with like all the people that are in at that current time so like you said if they spend the thing as fifty bucks and theres a hundred people on there you get the idea but you can spend if you guys want to learn how to play you can do that right here so you know its a very fun live little app type thing that youre gonna be doing your collect your spins youll spin them and then do all that kind of fussing but its free to join the game you can register play all that kind of good stuff you guys can check that out at cricket comm the next app of a something called filled agent now filled agent you will have to have a car you cant do this from home filled agent is where youre actually going out to different locations and literally what it says youre a field agent youre gonna be out there completing tests youre gonna download the app youre gonna create your profile and its gonna notify you of jobs that are nearby okay itll show them on a map and you can actually go and accept one of those jobs and youll usually have less than two hours so click the jobs and youll get paid out as soon as it is completed but its very very simple a base they can pay out with PayPal and things like that as well but this is how you make money our field isnt use their smartphone to collect photos articles and information from stores and other locations this information is often used by businesses to better their customers just like you so thats basically what theyre doing theres crowdsourcing and not having to pay a an ad agency to go out and do the research so like that theyre paying you guys a little bit of money to do that okay so that is called field agent all these are legitimate ones that I find guys so make sure you go check all these out one of them be able to work for you IQ is the next one now this one is for individuals you can sign up youll actually get paid to respond via text message so if you want to get paid to share your opinion you can do that an individual business can sign up see itll show you up here on your smartphone hey we have a new question for you and then this is gonna walk you through it about what do you do in the morning what type of tablet do you have what is your favorite pizza where do you get your morning coffee right so you can like I get a Starbucks other I dont drink coffee and then basically congratulations youve been paid 50 cents into your PayPal account see this is what Im talking about its 50 cents guys so its gonna take a lot to actually make some money with this okay just so you guys know that and then perks is the next one so you cant download perks perks has a few different companies sorta like under their umbrella and a few of them down here are like perk TV so you get paid to watch Verte eyes mitts youtube ads trailers things like that and then give your opinion you can do biggle and you can actually do this scratch to win its another game type thing that you can actually do and get paid of course youre gonna see a lot of advertisements throughout it and things like that and youre not gonna make a whole lot of money cuz its the advertisers that are paying for all these guys and advertisers its just like YouTube you – alright you – theyre paying like three to five cents like per view of an entire ad and you got to think youre only getting like a couple of pennies of that so its gonna take a lot of stuff in order to make a decent amount of money with this okay so that is per perk has three different ways you can make money three different apps you can download per TV vehicle and scratch to win but they have paid out over fifty seven million dollars in rewards so far now points prizes another one they have a few different things that you can do they befouled dashboard you can log in check stuff out like I said its available for Apple and Android as long with desktop youre gonna be doing offer will also advertisers will pay you for learning you know about their products youre gonna take surveys you can watch article ads and they have daily bonuses and then you can catch those things for Bitcoin PayPal all these different gift cards you can cash those in I recommend this getting PayPal cash it out you curious how it works you come up here click on how it works and its the same thing right now theres 15 million active members in there youre gonna go through look youre gonna claim your prizes once you get your points youre gonna do a bunch of tasks and you have available things that you can do inside the platform will show you on the left-hand side there where you need to go to do your things the next up theres something called slideshow you can actually paid instead of your phone having nothing on the homepage when its unlocked so basically every time when you go to swipe it open its gonna show you an advertisement and this is called slide joy so basically it works for Android phones and you will see a just like this when you go to hit the home button on your phone youre gonna see ads you have to swipe over to open up your phone to actually you know get into your phone and youre gonna see the advertisements that the advertisers are paying for in promotions thats all there is – and youre gonna get paid you know for looking at your phone for letting them put ads on your actual phone and youll have different ads you know based on like your content and all that kind of stuff but thats how it works and people can actually companies to come there and advertise people will download and youll get paid to do that now this is something called ibotta now this is if youre already out the all the ones that I showed your ways make money this is if youre out there check this out so if youre out there and youre already spent money in every store if you go to Walgreens Walmart it doesnt matter what store you go to save the receipt because you can actually snap a picture of the receipt into your thing and its going to see what theyre basically using your receipts to see what kind of products you are buying based on your location and things like that so you get to hunt for supported stores you got Walmart food line Krogers Walgreens all you do is snap a picture of your receipt where you go and basically theyre gonna see that all the crap that youre buying and theyre using this for marketing research thats what theyre using it for okay thats all you have to do is snap and youre actually gonna get paid with money for doing that real cash BMO PayPal and thats how it works I say you just snap a picture and youre gonna get paid you download the app its not a picture set all your information up and youre gonna get paid this is a way if youre when youre already purchasing stuff or heck while youre out if youre not purchasing something does a hey can I have your receipt or look in the trash can is probably receipts in the trash can snap a picture of the receipt there you go same way with this this one over here is called vets rewards so when youre out going to shopping its the same thing as crowdsourcing data that they need you shouldnt scan your receipt and then basically report your earnings for every time and points that you scan your receipt and then guess what youre here Awards you can cash it out people love the at all these are five stars if youre already buying stuff anyways youre gonna get the money back okay look at all the receipts that have been scanned nearly 96 million receipts have been scanned and here because youre getting free money same way this is the last one guys which is receipt hog okay receipt Hall works the same way but it also has some cool games that you can play so you can get bonuses so you just go scan your seat youll get a bonus it youre gonna redeem your coins for PayPal and Amazon gift cards its available Apple and Android these last three I just threw in there as bonuses because if youre already out having to buy shop groceries gas doesnt matter save the receipt and you can actually start getting paid money just for scanning your receipts super cool now this is not the way that I make money guys I stay at home I quit my job going out two and a half to three years ago I used to work in a dusty old warehouse where I live big 50-pound boxes of chocolate from Hersheys chocolate you take those load them to the back of 18-wheelers that got shipped from a distribution center here in Acworth Georgia I dont do that anymore of course thats what I used to do and then I kind of transition some cell phone repair stuff and then from there I also started doing affiliate marketing now when I first got started a couple years back I did like Amazon affiliate Marketing of Aliexpress eBay things like that the problem was you would get very little pennies like I would sell something that would be say like 10 bucks right and the way I do that is I make youtube articles and I also have a blog if you guys are curious how do you set up the YouTube channel the blog how to do it correctly how to actually advertise things like that thats part of that $7 training that I was talking about at the beginning of the article its gonna walk you through how to be a high ticket affiliate marker I switched from low ticket to high ticket when I was at a low ticket affiliate marker I was only making about 30 or 40 grand per year and thats eventually I made about 40 the mid 40s whenever I was actually working at that warehouse full time 40 50 hours per week and then when I got to about that 40 thousand mark range thats when I quit my job which was nice but I was still doing those little bitty tiny affiliate commissions right so I was getting like 20 cents a dollar three dollars two dollars and then I was okay I want how do i how do I break through the ceiling I was just stuck every single month with making that three to four thousand dollars per month and then thats what I decided alright somehow I ran across high ticket affiliate marketing when I did that then of course Im with everything I like for someone to show me step by step and walk me through how to do something so that way I know Im doing correctly from people about me from a mentor you need a mentor so what I did is I actually found a course that was providing the information that I needed and then I took it and then that was you know now Im making over $10, 000 per month so it shot up my income over $6, 000 per month because of high ticket affiliate marketing because you dont need a lot like with a high ticket for the marketing if youre selling something where youre getting like a thousand or $2, 500 Commission you only need two or three people to purchase for an entire month thats it and that is a full-time hit come by itself but that is what pushed me over that ten ten thousand dollar per month mark so if you guys are interested in learning about hot ticket affiliate marketing it take the seven dollar course I promise you its worth everything its its really really good youre also actually gonna get like a free coaching call with like a business plan advisor that can see hey where youre at and answer any questions you may have after youve gone through like the first three days of training then on day four you can actually talk to someone on the phone not so for seven bucks you get to talk someone on the phone and they are going to you know see where youre at walk you through you know what you kind of need to do answer any questions you have things like that but its great thats for seven dollars youre not gonna get that anywhere else on the Internet so go check that out its in a link the description below youre gonna click on the link its gonna take you to a place to put in your email you put in your email and watch a little short article and then you be able to sign up for the seven bucks its amazing worth it hopefully you guys enjoyed this article use one of these if you dont have the 7 bucks for that awesome training course I promise you you use one of these get that 7 bucks go by you wont regret it hopefully you guys enjoyed this well see you guys tomorrow HIGHEST PAYING APPS THAT PAY CASH QUICKLY whats going on guys this is mike here with lunch break lunch this article is all about the highest-paying apps that pay cash so all the apps when were showing you guys theyre free and they do pay out cash via PayPal things like that so these are the best apps that I found that will pay you guys with cash you dont have to start you know it cost nothing to start with any of those theyre all free you just download them onto your smartphone Apple Android doesnt matter theyre available for all of them so lets jump in here and if you guys just let you guys know these are not gonna make you rich these apps if you guys are looking for ways to make money online these things Im showing you are not it youre gonna make like 20 30 50 maybe even a hundred bucks youre not gonna make thousands you cant replace your you know your income your full-time income job with these apps they just dont exist out there if you guys are interested and actually making money online especially high ticket affiliate marketing you can click on the link below its in the description theres a course you can take its not free its seven bucks so its not like hundreds of dollars for a course its seven dollars or a dollar a day for a week if you can afford that definitely check it out its worth every dime other places would probably sell that same course four thousand bucks because its its really good information so check that out its in the link below the description lets jump in here so you guys to start working with these apps the first one is called reward well now you do have to do a few things at home you can watch articles complete surveys and you can take daily sweepstakes now there is some in-store stuff that you can do you can give product feedback you can actually visit retail stores and answer trivia and a half paid out a little over five million dollars so far has been earned with rewardable.com and make its literally that simple youre just going to download the app you are going to complete the the tasks that are available in there youre gonna cash it out through PayPal so you will have to you know have a PayPal or PayPal debit card I have a paypal debit card that I can take my money out with you can get one of those for free from PayPal but this one is a very simple its got over 10, 000 five-star reviews on the App Store so a lot of people join it it is a legitimate way to make money but all these hundreds of dollars you see throwing up like that youre not gonna make that so dont expect that to be like thats gonna be a few dollars guys thats it okay so go check out reward Abul and your spare time is free to join get the app next up is something called cricket this is actually like a game okay its a game where you go you download the app and then you get your chance to spin and then if you win your money its like a sharing your winnings moment with like all the people that are in at that current time so like you said if they spend the thing as fifty bucks and theres a hundred people on there you get the idea but you can spend if you guys want to learn how to play you can do that right here so you know its a very fun live little app type thing that youre gonna be doing your collect your spins youll spin them and then do all that kind of fussing but its free to join the game you can register play all that kind of good stuff you guys can check that out at cricket comm the next app of a something called filled agent now filled agent you will have to have a car you cant do this from home filled agent is where youre actually going out to different locations and literally what it says youre a field agent youre gonna be out there completing tests youre gonna download the app youre gonna create your profile and its gonna notify you of jobs that are nearby okay itll show them on a map and you can actually go and accept one of those jobs and youll usually have less than two hours so click the jobs and youll get paid out as soon as it is completed but its very very simple a base they can pay out with PayPal and things like that as well but this is how you make money our field isnt use their smartphone to collect photos articles and information from stores and other locations this information is often used by businesses to better their customers just like you so thats basically what theyre doing theres crowdsourcing and not having to pay a an ad agency to go out and do the research so like that theyre paying you guys a little bit of money to do that okay so that is called field agent all these are legitimate ones that I find guys so make sure you go check all these out one of them be able to work for you IQ is the next one now this one is for individuals you can sign up youll actually get paid to respond via text message so if you want to get paid to share your opinion you can do that an individual business can sign up see itll show you up here on your smartphone hey we have a new question for you and then this is gonna walk you through it about what do you do in the morning what type of tablet do you have what is your favorite pizza where do you get your morning coffee right so you can like I get a Starbucks other I dont drink coffee and then basically congratulations youve been paid 50 cents into your PayPal account see this is what Im talking about its 50 cents guys so its gonna take a lot to actually make some money with this okay just so you guys know that and then perks is the next one so you cant download perks perks has a few different companies sorta like under their umbrella and a few of them down here are like perk TV so you get paid to watch Verte eyes mitts youtube ads trailers things like that and then give your opinion you can do biggle and you can actually do this scratch to win its another game type thing that you can actually do and get paid of course youre gonna see a lot of advertisements throughout it and things like that and youre not gonna make a whole lot of money cuz its the advertisers that are paying for all these guys and advertisers its just like YouTube you – alright you – theyre paying like three to five cents like per view of an entire ad and you got to think youre only getting like a couple of pennies of that so its gonna take a lot of stuff in order to make a decent amount of money with this okay so that is per perk has three different ways you can make money three different apps you can download per TV vehicle and scratch to win but they have paid out over fifty seven million dollars in rewards so far now points prizes another one they have a few different things that you can do they befouled dashboard you can log in check stuff out like I said its available for Apple and Android as long with desktop youre gonna be doing offer will also advertisers will pay you for learning you know about their products youre gonna take surveys you can watch article ads and they have daily bonuses and then you can catch those things for Bitcoin PayPal all these different gift cards you can cash those in I recommend this getting PayPal cash it out you curious how it works you come up here click on how it works and its the same thing right now theres 15 million active members in there youre gonna go through look youre gonna claim your prizes once you get your points youre gonna do a bunch of tasks and you have available things that you can do inside the platform will show you on the left-hand side there where you need to go to do your things the next up theres something called slideshow you can actually paid instead of your phone having nothing on the homepage when its unlocked so basically every time when you go to swipe it open its gonna show you an advertisement and this is called slide joy so basically it works for Android phones and you will see a just like this when you go to hit the home button on your phone youre gonna see ads you have to swipe over to open up your phone to actually you know get into your phone and youre gonna see the advertisements that the advertisers are paying for in promotions thats all there is – and youre gonna get paid you know for looking at your phone for letting them put ads on your actual phone and youll have different ads you know based on like your content and all that kind of stuff but thats how it works and people can actually companies to come there and advertise people will download and youll get paid to do that now this is something called ibotta now this is if youre already out the all the ones that I showed your ways make money this is if youre out there check this out so if youre out there and youre already spent money in every store if you go to Walgreens Walmart it doesnt matter what store you go to save the receipt because you can actually snap a picture of the receipt into your thing and its going to see what theyre basically using your receipts to see what kind of products you are buying based on your location and things like that so you get to hunt for supported stores you got Walmart food line Krogers Walgreens all you do is snap a picture of your receipt where you go and basically theyre gonna see that all the crap that youre buying and theyre using this for marketing research thats what theyre using it for okay thats all you have to do is snap and youre actually gonna get paid with money for doing that real cash BMO PayPal and thats how it works I say you just snap a picture and youre gonna get paid you download the app its not a picture set all your information up and youre gonna get paid this is a way if youre when youre already purchasing stuff or heck while youre out if youre not purchasing something does a hey can I have your receipt or look in the trash can is probably receipts in the trash can snap a picture of the receipt there you go same way with this this one over here is called vets rewards so when youre out going to shopping its the same thing as crowdsourcing data that they need you shouldnt scan your receipt and then basically report your earnings for every time and points that you scan your receipt and then guess what youre here Awards you can cash it out people love the at all these are five stars if youre already buying stuff anyways youre gonna get the money back okay look at all the receipts that have been scanned nearly 96 million receipts have been scanned and here because youre getting free money same way this is the last one guys which is receipt hog okay receipt Hall works the same way but it also has some cool games that you can play so you can get bonuses so you just go scan your seat youll get a bonus it youre gonna redeem your coins for PayPal and Amazon gift cards its available Apple and Android these last three I just threw in there as bonuses because if youre already out having to buy shop groceries gas doesnt matter save the receipt and you can actually start getting paid money just for scanning your receipts super cool now this is not the way that I make money guys I stay at home I quit my job going out two and a half to three years ago I used to work in a dusty old warehouse where I live big 50-pound boxes of chocolate from Hersheys chocolate you take those load them to the back of 18-wheelers that got shipped from a distribution center here in Acworth Georgia I dont do that anymore of course thats what I used to do and then I kind of transition some cell phone repair stuff and then from there I also started doing affiliate marketing now when I first got started a couple years back I did like Amazon affiliate Marketing of Aliexpress eBay things like that the problem was you would get very little pennies like I would sell something that would be say like 10 bucks right and the way I do that is I make youtube articles and I also have a blog if you guys are curious how do you set up the YouTube channel the blog how to do it correctly how to actually advertise things like that thats part of that $7 training that I was talking about at the beginning of the article its gonna walk you through how to be a high ticket affiliate marker I switched from low ticket to high ticket when I was at a low ticket affiliate marker I was only making about 30 or 40 grand per year and thats eventually I made about 40 the mid 40s whenever I was actually working at that warehouse full time 40 50 hours per week and then when I got to about that 40 thousand mark range thats when I quit my job which was nice but I was still doing those little bitty tiny affiliate commissions right so I was getting like 20 cents a dollar three dollars two dollars and then I was okay I want how do i how do I break through the ceiling I was just stuck every single month with making that three to four thousand dollars per month and then thats what I decided alright somehow I ran across high ticket affiliate marketing when I did that then of course Im with everything I like for someone to show me step by step and walk me through how to do something so that way I know Im doing correctly from people about me from a mentor you need a mentor so what I did is I actually found a course that was providing the information that I needed and then I took it and then that was you know now Im making over $10, 000 per month so it shot up my income over $6, 000 per month because of high ticket affiliate marketing because you dont need a lot like with a high ticket for the marketing if youre selling something where youre getting like a thousand or $2, 500 Commission you only need two or three people to purchase for an entire month thats it and that is a full-time hit come by itself but that is what pushed me over that ten ten thousand dollar per month mark so if you guys are interested in learning about hot ticket affiliate marketing it take the seven dollar course I promise you its worth everything its its really really good youre also actually gonna get like a free coaching call with like a business plan advisor that can see hey where youre at and answer any questions you may have after youve gone through like the first three days of training then on day four you can actually talk to someone on the phone not so for seven bucks you get to talk someone on the phone and they are going to you know see where youre at walk you through you know what you kind of need to do answer any questions you have things like that but its great thats for seven dollars youre not gonna get that anywhere else on the Internet so go check that out its in a link the description below youre gonna click on the link its gonna take you to a place to put in your email you put in your email and watch a little short article and then you be able to sign up for the seven bucks its amazing worth it hopefully you guys enjoyed this article use one of these if you dont have the 7 bucks for that awesome training course I promise you you use one of these get that 7 bucks go by you wont regret it hopefully you guys enjoyed this well see you guys tomorrow
Best Scratch Off Apps That Pay Real Money

HIGHEST PAYING APPS THAT PAY CASH QUICKLY whats going on guys this is mike here with lunch break lunch this article is all about the highest-paying apps that. Here are some apps where you can play online games to make or a save money. We road-tested them to make sure they’re not scams.